online courses
For your healing, development, and growth
We offer a variety of courses & workshops. For our flagship programs, visit our Holding Space Foundation Program and Leadership for Liminal Spaces. If your organization would like to invite us to develop a tailored training program, check out our page on Consulting & Keynotes.
Here’s what else we offer (click on the image to learn more):
know yourself: Self-reflection for wise living
An 8 week course to explore your identity, attachments, beliefs, core needs, limitations, and strengths – the internal operating system that guides your life. Next session: May/June 2025. Created & taught by Heather Plett.
the spiral path
A self-study program, based on a labyrinth journey, that will help you find your path and live more authentically. Created by Heather Plett.
write for love and liberation
A 12 lesson self-study program that will help you heal old wounds and grow your courage as a writer. Created by Heather Plett
52 weeks of holding space
A self-study program with 52 prompts that will help you learn to hold space for yourself and others. Created by Heather Plett.
a full-bodied life
A self-study course with 25 lessons, to support your quest for more tenderness, freedom, love, and embodiment. Created by Heather Plett.
holding space in times of disruption & overwhelm
A self-study program with resources and practices to support you in times of disruption & overwhelm. Created by Heather Plett.
not the main character
An eight week course for those who play the supporting role and offer leadership from the side. Created & taught by Krista dela Rosa. Next session: Fall 2025.

“I consider Heather’s work to be among the same elite category of those whom I admire and follow as True Revolutionaries and Trail Blazers such as Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer, Daniel Pink, Dr, Jane Vella, Howard Gardner, & Malcolm Gladwell.”

-How to Hold Space Foundation Course Participant