Write for Love and Liberation
“You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can’t, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world… The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change it.” – James Baldwin
This course will help you find your voice.
Your stories, poems, personal essays, and blog posts have the power to inspire, heal, liberate, and unite. They can help heal wounds, bring together communities, and initiate social change.
But maybe there’s something holding you back from writing (or sharing) those stories, poems, and posts?
Perhaps you’re afraid to share too much; you’re not sure your writing is good enough; you don’t believe your stories will be of interest to anyone; and/or your inner critic sabotages every effort?
Or maybe there’s nothing holding you back, and you simply recognize that your writing is a tool that needs sharpening so that you can use it more effectively.

This course will help you find your courage.
Writing for Love and Liberation is a brand new self-study writing program that will offer you lots of opportunities to practice writing in different formats. It will encourage you to stretch and grow your capacity as a writer. Sometimes, it will nudge you into spaces that might feel uncomfortable but that are worth exploring. It will be both playful and profound, both lighthearted and intense.
While the writing in this program will be largely focused on personal writing (i.e. writing from your own stories and experiences) it will include lots of invitations to explore other types of writing, such as fiction, dialogue, poetry, etc.
To write for love and liberation is to be a courageous truth-teller. We want to invite you there, but first we want to offer you a place where you can be tender, raw, honest and vulnerable. We want to help you make tiny courageous steps that will help you grow the courage it will take to push yourself further and to share your writing more broadly. We want to help you find liberation.
This course will help you write for love and liberation.
This is a guided self-study program that you can work through on your own. Each week for twelve weeks, you will receive an email that introduces a weekly writing theme. Based on that theme, there will be:
– writing prompts and word play ideas;
– writing tips;
– story and poetry ideas;
– a bibliography of inspiration (books, poems, etc.);
– a playlist of songs to engage your body and mind; and
– weekly reflections and intentions.
Cost: $125 CAD
Your Guide:
Write for Love and Liberation was created by Heather Plett, author of The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership and cofounder of the Centre for Holding Space. Heather has been a regular blogger since 2004, and her blog has been read by millions of people. She has had work published in a variety of publications all over the world (but has also had enough rejection letters to wallpaper her bedroom, so it hasn’t all been success). Heather has been teaching writing workshops for over ten years.

“I am so grateful for the experience and wisdom from your writing class, Heather! Rich, deep, loving and safe environment from which to create. I found it powerful and inspiring. I thought I had lost my writing mojo, but I experienced a connection to words again. I loved everything about it: structure, pacing, and your personal stories about your process.”

– Joy Agcongay