The Spiral Path Blog 


As of March 12, 2024, we have moved our blog over to Substack (where we also host our new podcast).
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Here are our older posts…

(Re)Introducing Ourselves

(Re)Introducing Ourselves

Listen to Krista read the post: Hello! My name is Krista and that, over there on the left, the one smiling at you kindly from her writing desk on the West Coast of Canada, is Heather, my business partner-slash-work-wife. I’m holed up right now in the office I have at...

Dear 2024

Dear 2024

Listen to Krista read the post... I'm not going to lie. I am nervous about you. No. More than that. I am anxious and border-line dreading you. It's not your fault, really. You just happen to be the year of another U.S. election cycle, my kid starting with a new...

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Blog Post Categories


Many years ago, a friend sent me Heather’s essay, What It Means To “Hold Space” For People, Plus Eight Tips On How To Do It Well. She thought this was “right up my alley” … it was! I had recently finished a certification program on line and was feeling empty. The program was solid, the tools were solid, my fellow graduates were energetically designing websites, writing business plans, setting monetary goals …. all valid – but I couldn’t find the heart. And then – poof! Heather

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-How to Hold Space Foundation Program Participant
