By Invitation
Holding Space

The Holding Space Master Practitioner Certification is an employment- level training offered to those who will be hired to take over teaching and mentorship duties in the Foundations Program and the Certification Program for the Centre for Holding Space.

As the Centre and the programs we offer grow and change,
we will occasionally open up this Master Practitioner level training to applicants who have received Certification as Holding Space Practitioners.
“The container and content that I found within the Foundational and Practitioner Certificate programs of the Centre for Holding Space transformed how I showed up in my life and work. I wanted to continue my journey in order to deepen my skill and expertise in this work and begin to share it more intentionally within my networks and organization. The Master Practitioner program is providing a supportive and challenging container to continue to exercise my ‘Holding Space muscles’ while crafting and developing my own programs and practice. “
– Brenda Barritt, Master Practitioner Candidate

To achieve Master Practitioner designation, a certified practitioner will complete one of the following:
- Serve as assistant/mentor in the Certification Program
- Mentor apprentices in the Foundation Program while being an assistant teacher
- Help develop and deliver a specialized program for a client
They will also:
- Develop a specialized workshop/webinar that can be taught to those in the Certification Program
- Go through an evaluation process with Krista and/or Heather upon completion of the above.
(This will include peer and self-review.)
Benefits of Certification
Once a person has received Master Practitioner designation, a partnership relationship will be developed where they can teach our programs, develop their own programs and teach under the CFHS banner, work as a CFHS coach or facilitator, and/or develop specialized CFHS programs for clients.
Master practitioners will also be invited to provide content for the centre – i.e. write blog posts, create resources for the certification resource portal, help develop new offerings, etc.. All contributions will be fairly compensated.

Holding Space
Master Practitioner

Holding Space
Master Practitioner