The Spiral Path
“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.”
― Masaru Emoto
This course will help you come back to yourself.
Sometimes we get lost. We find ourselves in strange places, far away from anything that feels familiar and true. We’ve been following paths that are not our own, seeking wholeness in places that can never satisfy us, and ignoring the whispers of our own longing.
How do we find our way back?
Each of us needs to go inward – to take the spiral path that leads to our own hearts. We need to learn to listen to the wisdom written on our own hearts rather than that which others thought was best for us. We need to find stillness into which the Mystery can speak. And we need to find others on similar paths who will support and encourage us.
The Spiral Path: A Journey Back to Yourself is an e-course meant to help you find your way back. Through a series of inspirational lessons, creative prompts, and journal prompts, you’ll be invited on a journey that will take you inward, to your own core.
*It’s a self-study program, but you can sign up with a friend if you’d like companionship.

The Spiral Path is a virtual labyrinth walk.
There are three stages in a labyrinth walk. First, when you journey inward, you release the burdens you were carrying and whatever distractions got in your way. Then, when you reach the centre, you are ready to receive whatever wisdom and guidance is waiting for you. Finally, you return from the centre, making the journey outward and bringing with you whatever new gifts and wisdom you’re meant to share with the world.
These three stages help frame the journey through The Spiral Path. You’ll receive twenty-one lessons in The Spiral Path.
The first seven will focus on releasing. You will be invited to release your need to control the outcome, your expectation of a straight path, your old stories, your fear, your concern about what others think, your tears, and whatever no longer serves you.
The next seven lessons will focus on receiving. You will practice receiving the gifts of darkness, stillness, healing, curiosity, the Mystery, your purpose, and whatever you need for the return journey.
The final seven lessons will be about returning. You’ll be invited to return with generosity and patience, your authenticity, the Sacred, your power, your gift, your courage, your open heart and ready feet.
You can sign up for The Spiral Path any time you want and start the lessons right away.
Each lesson will include:
– A teaching on one of the themes, including stories, tips, and other resources.
– A creative prompt that will invite you to deepen your understanding of and engagement with the theme through creative expression. These will be simple enough for anyone to do – you don’t need to be an artist.
– Journal prompts that will invite you to explore your own thoughts on the theme.
– Ideas for body movement, ritual, or other ways of engaging with the theme in a holistic, body/mind/spirit way.
When you sign up for The Spiral Path, you’ll receive a welcome email, and then you should receive the first lesson within an hour, followed by a lesson each week for 21 weeks. (In the first email, you’ll also receive a link where you can download a full pdf of the workbook, in case you want to work through it at your own pace.)
The Spiral Path is inspired by my own journey.
Back in 2000, at the height of my career, when I (Heather Plett) had everything I thought I should want (a good marriage, two daughters, a house in the suburbs, a camper at the lake, and a great job in the government), I was brought face to face with my own emptiness and spiritual longing. In a three week hospital stay (which ended with the stillbirth of my son) I began an intense journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. That journey eventually led me to the work I now do.
My life was changed when I began my spiral journey, and now I want to serve as your guide and creative host as you take your own journey. I believe in this work wholeheartedly. I believe that, though it can be hard, all of us benefit from the kind of awakening that leads to the truest expression of who we are. And I believe that awakened, authentic people can change the world.
Cost: $55 CAD
Special offer for groups: If you want to sign up with a friend or group, email us and we’ll provide you with a special coupon code that will give you each a 10% discount.

“The overall thing I will take away from this course is stepping more confidently into and out of myself – listening to what my heart and the Spirit are saying, and acting from that place of quiet knowing.”