Choosing the Path of Liberation & Tenderness
“I am proud only of those days that pass in
undivided tenderness.” ― Robert Bly
Friends, I’m on a mission to bring more tenderness into the world. For starters, I want YOU to be more tender with yourself, so I have a gift to help you with that…
It’s been a rough few years, and I believe we all need more tenderness.
But my mission is about more than just a temporary response to all of the nuttiness we’ve been going through…
I believe that tenderness can change the world.
That might sound like a bold statement that’s far too simplistic, but hear me out…
A couple of years ago, after spending much of my adult life immersed in Big Topics like trauma, grief, shame, social injustice, equity, human rights, patriarchy, and colonization, I had a BIG a-ha moment that surprised me with its simplicity. It was this…
We need to liberate ourselves from the systems that cause harm
and the path that will get us there is tenderness.
Like many of us who spend our lives immersed in these Big Topics, I kept looking for something more complicated and weighty. I read endless books and immersed myself in Big Theories and Wise Analysis. Those books were immensely helpful, but what they finally lead me to was not another complex theory, but, surprisingly, simplicity.
It shouldn’t have surprised me, of course, because one of the quotes I recite most often is this from Oliver Wendell Holmes: “For the simplicity on this side of complexity, I wouldn’t give you a fig. But for the simplicity on the other side of complexity, for that I would give you anything I have.”
Tenderness is the simplicity on the other side of complexity.
It might sound simplistic, but of course, the path of liberation and tenderness is not the most natural path for any of us – there’s a whole lot of complexity before we get to that level of simplicity. We have all kinds of social conditioning, trauma, shame, family patterns, systemic limitations, beliefs, etc. that get in the way. We’ve been well-conditioned by what I call the Three P’s of harmful systems (performance measurement, perfectionism, and punishment) to stay trapped and to NOT treat ourselves with tenderness. It’s hard to unlearn those things.
We have not been trained to treat ourselves with tenderness.
That’s why I’ve spent the last couple of years, since this thought first occurred to me, reflecting on what it takes to step onto that path and commit to it as a lifestyle. I made it my life’s mission, and, four months ago, when I sold my home and got rid of most of my stuff, I set off on a Big Adventure that I called my Liberation and Tenderness Tour (some of my reflections and pictures are on social media under the hashtag #liberationandtendernesstour). I was determined to discover what it would take for me, personally, to put these two things at the centre of my life, so I tried to make all of my choices through that lens. I didn’t always get it right, but even when I fumbled, I leaned into tenderness and learned from the fumbling.
Now, a few years into this reflection, and at the end of the first leg of my Liberation and Tenderness Tour, I want to share some of my learnings with you. I’m excited about what I’ve learned, so I’m offering it to you as a gift. I’ve recorded a webinar which you can watch for free. No strings attached. You don’t have to sign up for anything or listen to a sales pitch – just watch and imagine you’re with me in a space of tenderness and liberation, alongside a global circle of like-hearted people.
Register any time to receive a free recording of the webinar. You’ll also receive a link to download a PDF of the presentation.
Webinar Host: Heather Plett

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“Heather Plett is a gentle, caring soul with the capacity to support and hold space while you navigate your journey (both personal and professional) to a better self.”

– Abby Mosher, Founder/Executive Director, Tomorrow’s Rainbow, Inc.