
At the Centre for Holding Space, we honour the fullness of the human experience. We believe that the practice of HOLDING SPACE can help us be more fully grounded in our humanity and in our relationships with each other and the planet. We believe in tenderness, connection, community, liberation, and sovereignty for everyone.

Learn with us

Circle – LLS

Leadership for liminal spaces

Circle – FP

holding space foundation program

Circle – CP

holding space certification program

Circle – other courses

other online courses

We offer workshops, retreats, coaching, keynote addresses, and consulting that we trust will help you connect with your HUMANITY and grow your ability to be the best leader, friend, parent, community member, or global citizen that you can be.

Registration Open!

Join us for an 8 week exploration of your identity, attachments, beliefs, core needs, limitations, and strengths – the internal operating system that guides your life. May/June 2025.

Know Yourself: Self-reflection for wise living

Know Yourself
LLS – webinar wheel – spinning


Join us for 10 webinars that will help you become a grounded guide in times of change. For more in-depth learning, join a weekly study group with people from around the world.

Leadership for Liminal Spaces

Access our resources

Circle – ATS

blog & podcast

Circle – free resources

free videos & ebooks

Circle – YouTube channel


Circle – books


Our work is especially meaningful in times of LIMINALITY – when the future is uncertain and we find ourselves navigating complexity, grief, fear, and instability. We believe that even in those times, we can find ways to ground ourselves, connect with each other, and access tenderness and joy.

How else can we help?

Circle – coaching


Circle – consulting

consulting & keynotes

Circle – our team

our global

Circle – connect with us

contact us

Hi there! We’re Krista and Heather and we’re the co-founders of the CENTRE FOR HOLDING SPACE. We’re delighted that you’ve made your way to our website and hope you’ll find what you’re looking for. We’ve created a lot of resources and avenues for learning and will continue to create more because we are so passionate about this work. We have a wonderful team working with us, and our community is spread across the globe. We look forward to connecting with you.

Learn about us here and read the Centre’s origin story here.

Krista & Heather

Join us as we embark on a journey in 2025 – Leadership for Liminal Spaces.